
MemeFirst reports that Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club, has come out to avoid being outed by Entertainment Weekly:

So Palahniuk, the author of Fight Club, went and audio-blogged a very angry message, talking about the EW writer's suicide attempt and generally coming out because he felt he had no choice in the wake of the publication of the article. (I can't seem to access that message any more: maybe Palahniuk is trying to crawl back into the closet.)

Palahniuk then received a lot of supportive messages – if you consider death threats against the EW writer to be supportive. I guess at this point he went back and actually read the article again, and realised that nowhere was his partner mentioned, and that the closest it came to outing him was to say "he is not married". So he audioblogged a retraction of sorts, in which he urged everybody to calm down and "not kill anybody".

In the world of print media, none of this would have happened. Palahniuk would have been angry upon reading the article, but would have slept on it, and would have realised that if he did nothing, then no one would be any the wiser. Instead, in a fit of passion, he pulls out his cellphone and announces his homosexual partnership of 11 years to the world at large – something which he'd thereunto successfully kept secret. Now the secret's out, and no amount of pulling messages is going to help. Worse, a largely blameless EW writer is probably now petrified that a crazy Palahniuk fan (and there's no shortage of them around) is going to do her some serious harm.

I agree...for God's sake JUST COME OUT already and stop dancing around the subject.