
Sign of the times: while driving up Pembina Highway this weekend I was following a car with a Pennsylvania license plate, which had a URL on it: www.state.pa.us. Later, when I was at Grant Park Shopping Centre, I noticed that the new Shoppers Drugmart store had their URL on the sign outside. We are starting to see URLs pop up everywhere now.


Report from the Browser Wars :-)

Well, having used Opera, Mozilla Firebird, and Netscape 7.1 for several weeks, both on my work and home PCs, I can report back. My favourite browser, and the one that I will use from here on in, is Opera. I will only be using Internet Explorer for those Web sites that demand it. Mozilla comes a close second, but Opera still gets my vote. Frankly I am so sick and tired of the little bugs and quirks in IE that it was inevitable that I was goint to throw it over sooner or later.


Holy shit! I finally reached the "I'm feeling lucky" (first hit) position on Google! I guess all the Friendster whoring is starting to pay off :-)

I'm still trying to figure out what to do with my livejournal space (other than to troll the lj friendster community for people to add to my network)....

God I am so pathatic at times :-(